
Showing posts from May, 2022

Ayurvedic energy booster juices for refreshing summer.

Happy Grishma rutu i.e Happy summer season to all of you. Let us learn how to make delicious and thirst quenching juices to enjoy this summer, which will be based on the Tridosha principle of Ayurveda. Please see below details for the ingredients and procedure : 1. AAM PANNA/ RAW MANGO JUICE:  INGREDIENTS: Raw mango 2 nos water 2 cups 3 Tbsp Mint / Pudina 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 tbsp pepper powder 1/2 tbsp cumin powder 3/4 tbsp salt/ rocksalt PROCEDURE: 1. Pressure cook raw mango after adding water in a Cooker, take off the skin of raw mango first. 2. Let the mixture cool down now completely remove the pulp from the mango. 3.In a blender blend raw mango pulp+mint+pepper powder+cumin powder+salt in given quantity. 4. Your pulp is ready. 5.Now add 1 part pulp and 6  parts water along with some ice cubes and serve it with some pudina leaves on top. BENEFIT: 1. Balya- Provides strength because of its nutritional value. 2.Sheta- Provides cooling effect on body. 3.Immune booster as it is rich in v


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SUMMERS / GRIHSMA HRITU BRINGS WARM  ATMOSPHERE , LONG DAYS AND SHORT     NIGHTS. NATURAL COOLING AGENTS ON EARTH LOOSE THEIR PROPERTIES DUE TO DRY WINDS AND HOT  RAYS BY THE SUN. AS PER AYURVEDA PITTA DOSHA INCREASES SEASONALLY DURING THIS TIME OF THE YEAR. OUR DIGESTIVE SYSTEM BECOMES A LITTLE SLOW DUE TO INCRAESED PITTA DOSHA . COMMONLY PEOPLE SUFFER FROM THESE SEASONAL DISCOMFORTS: 1. DEHYDRATION 2.SKIN IRRITATIONS. 3. ACIDITY/INDIGESTION 4.SWEAT RELATED SKIN RASH, HEAT RASH. 5. PEOPLE WHO HAVE PILESOR FISSURE OR FISTULA HAVE SOME PAIN OR DISCOMFORT ISSUE. 6. HEADACHE 7. EXTREME WEAKNESS AFTER OUTING IN SUN. 8. VOMITTING O