5 tips to remain healthy in seasonal change .

 5 Tips to remain healthy in seasonal changes. 

Ayurved has mentioned about 6 Rutu i.e seasons and their Rutucharya. Each season has its own specific routine. But there is also a mention of how to have a healthy routine for overcoming seasonal changes. Many people suffer with cold and flu , skin issues , digestive disorders etc during seasonal change. Many feel nothing at all and stay healthy throughout the seasonal change. Why does this happen ? What can be done or followed so that we can stay healthy or disease free throughout the year. Lets dive into 5 tips for a Healthy Seasonal Change:

1. Drinking water adequately and in proper way.

Water / Jal is essential for smooth functioning of our body. Having at least 8 glasses of water everyday in intervals will help regulate body functions. Consuming less or more water can both result in dosha disturbance and may result in Vyadhi/disease. 

2. Following time table for all the meals of the day:

Having meals in time and proportion is very much necessary to regulate the movement of digestive juices in the body. Having a fixed time slot for breakfast, lunch and dinner is important, so that the body is set into rhythm for its internal functions. Atyahar/ excess food and viruddha Ahar/ having food of opposite taste and quality can cause instability in doshas and result in Vaydhi/Disease.


I dont need to stress this point much but just would to elaborate the Ayurvedic aspect of Vyayam/ Exercise. Ayurvedic text have mentioned that we should excercise everyday till perspiration process starts , This is applicable for a healthy individual who has no dosha instability. But in any Rutucharya Ayurved mentions different physical activities which can help the body to get active and refreshed everyday, Like In Varsha rutucharya it is mentioned to climb mountains and explore forests and enjoy the natures beauty , Now this is made possible by the trekking activity and so on.  Seasonal change can be controlled by exercise . Walking, light stretches' , Yogasanas can help you beat seasonal change.

4. Panchkarma:

Ayurved mentions 5 karmas to detoxify body , Vaman , Virechan ,Nasya, Basti, Raktmokshan. Ayurved has mentioned to perform different karmas before or during the seasonal change. Like Nasya that is getting Medicated nasal drops to detoxify neck up region of the body and clear the ways of 5 indriyas of the body. Before Rainy season / Varsha rutu we need to perform Basti karma for detoxifying the Vata dosha from the digestive tract. We should get a Ayurvedic consultation for the necessary karma for our body and then only go through it.

5. Having immune boosters Diet.

Having a Diet rich in vit C and Zinc helps boost immunity. Ayurved has recommended having Chavanprash which is rich source of vit C as its made from AMLA. Having immune booster kadhas made from Amla+Shatavari+Ashwagandha + Jeshthamadh can reduce your changes of following sick during seasonal change. Having less oil and sugar has also shown good effect in our body for seasonal change.

Ayurved believes in preparing ones body for the Seasonal changes. So lets be prepared and enjoy the change.


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