
Showing posts from July, 2021

5 tips to remain healthy in seasonal change .

  5 Tips to remain healthy in seasonal changes.  Ayurved has mentioned about 6 Rutu i.e seasons and their Rutucharya. Each season has its own specific routine. But there is also a mention of how to have a healthy routine for overcoming seasonal changes. Many people suffer with cold and flu , skin issues , digestive disorders etc during seasonal change. Many feel nothing at all and stay healthy throughout the seasonal change. Why does this happen ? What can be done or followed so that we can stay healthy or disease free throughout the year. Lets dive into 5 tips for a Healthy Seasonal Change: 1. Drinking water adequately and in proper way. Water / Jal is essential for smooth functioning of our body. Having at least 8 glasses of water everyday in intervals will help regulate body functions. Consuming less or more water can both result in dosha disturbance and may result in Vyadhi/disease.  2. Following time table for all the meals of the day: Having meals in time and proportion is very m