Perspiration good or bad ? Ayurvedic measure to tackle perspiration.

Perspiration good or bad? Ayurvedic ways to deal with sweat odour.

Perspiration /sweat is a common discomfort in summers. Some people experience this throughout the year. Sweating can be excessive or nil in both conditions it is considered abnormal in Ayurveda. Modern sciences describe sweating as a measure by body to regulate temperature. Ayurveda describes it as a form of waste product of Medo Dhatu and as a symptom of various diseases.Lets understand it in detail,


In Ayurveda body constitutes of 7 kinds of Dhatu i.e fundamental elements. RAS, RAKTA, MANSA, MEDO, ASTHI, MAJJA, SUKRA. They form the constitution of body. Nourishment to these elements results in healthy state of body. Out of these, Medo Dhatu when formed creates a waste product Sweat ,as per Ayurveda . It results due to fat digestion process in the body.
Sweat/ swed if formed in excess causes skin conditions, lifestyle disorders, palm sweating can cause hindrance in day to day activities.
Likewise no/less sweating can also lead to dry skin issues, digestion irregularities.

What causes sweating as per Ayurveda?
1.   Excessive pitta and kapha dosha
2.   Sthoulay or obesity
3.   Tamasik or spicy foodstuffs, excess oily food items.
4.   Stress
5.   Lack of sound sleep
6.   Anxiety.

Ways to tackle Sweat/perspiration/Swed as per Ayurveda:

·      Pitta dosha can be reduced by following diet regulations, buttermilk, green vegetables, vit C rich food all can reduce pitta dosha
·      Kapha dosha can be reduced by reducing oily food, maintaining intake of carbohydrate, regular exercise and fat reducing medication along with ayurvedic treatment Basti can help in reducing kapha dosha.
·      Stress and anxiety can result aggravated level of nervous system which can result in excessive sweating . So by practicing pranayama and yoga we can regulate stress. Ayurvedic shirodhara can also help reduce stress level.
·      Ayurvedic herbs like Sariva, Licorice, Vala, Jeshthamadh, Anantmool , Nagarmotha can help reduce pitta and kapha dosha which result in reducing sweat.
·      Bathing in Vala induced water can help reduce sweat and its odour.
·      Using herbal oils like chandan oil and jeshthamadh oil for massage before bathing can also help reduce sweat and its odour.
·      Sweating can cause specific odour if a person is affected with kidney and liver diseases.
·      Along with all these scrubbing with Ayurvedic Ubtan can help remove dead skin and bacterial build up which can result in reducing sweat and its odour.
·      Ubtan containing herbs like Vala, Chandan, Kostha, haldi, kapurkachari, anantmool should be used for scrubbing . It should be used at least twice a week if you sweat excessively.
·      Ayurvedic Medicines like Chandasav can help in reducing internal pitta dosha in body.
·      Practicing panchkarma like Virechan(medicated purgation) can help reduce both pitta and vata dosha.
·      Skin health should be priority for people with excessive sweating so bathing twice a day and then moisturising with chemical free lotions should be followed.
·      Bathing in water soaked with neem leaves can help reduce bacteria and sweat odour from the body.
·      People going to gym should wash there clothes daily and bath after exercise with herbal powders for reducing sweat odour.

This is how we can tackle perspiration/sweat issues with Ayurveda.Sweating is therefore necessary for human to remove toxins from the body. It has its difficulties but they can controlled by maintaining diet and healthy lifestyle.


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