
Showing posts from May, 2020

Perspiration good or bad ? Ayurvedic measure to tackle perspiration.

Perspiration good or bad? Ayurvedic ways to deal with sweat odour.                                                                 Perspiration /sweat is a common discomfort in summers. Some people experience this throughout the year. Sweating can be excessive or nil in both conditions it is considered abnormal in Ayurveda. Modern sciences describe sweating as a measure by body to regulate temperature. Ayurveda describes it as a form of waste product of Medo Dhatu and as a symptom of various diseases.Lets understand it in detail,                                                                                               In Ayurveda body constitutes of 7 kinds of Dhatu i.e fundamental elements. RAS, RAKTA, MANSA, MEDO, ASTHI, MAJJA, SUKRA. They form the constitution of body. Nourishment to these elements results in healthy state of body. Out of these, Medo Dhatu when formed creates a waste product Sweat ,as per Ayurveda . It results due to fat digest