Decoding concept of doshas in Ayurveda

Decoding concept of doshas in Ayurveda.

What is Ayurveda?
It is a science to measure life.
Ayurveda is not just about yoga and pranayama .It helps to bring balance of body, mind and soul.
Ayurveda helps in developing the IQ AND EQ in all living beings.
What are doshas?
The bio elements that are naturally present in human beings are called doshas. Please don’t consider them to be harmful or unhealthy .In a balanced state they bring health to a supreme state.
They are vata, pitta and kapha .
Ayurveda helps and guides us to achieve the balanced state of these doshas.
The elements of universe earth, water, light, air, Akash (space/ether) are responsible for forming these doshas.
Let’s understand them individually, I have shown a table which describes the traits and types and actions of doshas on our body for clear understanding.
Vata dosha:
Actions represents coldness,dryness,roughness,
Speed in our body(shiet,ruksha,khara respectively)

1.prana vata dosha
Responsible for inhalation and circulation of oxygen in all cells of the body
2. A person with vata dosha is lean and thin and quick in his or her actions. They have a good grasping capacity in one go.
2.udana Vayu:
Responsible for speech and vocal response
3. They show enthusiasm, excitement. They tend to be affected by negativity very quickly.
3.samana Vayu
Movement of digestive muscles
(peristaltic movement)
4. Vata dosha is called the king the doshas as it governs the movement of pitta and kapha dosha in our body.
4.apana Vayu
Downward movement of vayu
Urination, menstruation etc. +air are the elements which form vata dosha
5.vyan vayu
Its location is in the heart so its regulates circulation of blood in the body

Unbalance vata dosha shows flatulence, gout, rheumatism in our body
2. Pitta dosha:
1.Water +Agni(light)form pitta dosha
1.pachak pitta
2.represents metabolism
2.ranjaka pitta
Formation of red blood cells
Sharpness and soreness are its characteristics.
3.alochak pitta
Eye co-ordination
4. Bile pigments in our digestive system have the same function as pitta dosha in the digestive tract.
4.sadhak pitta
Memory, intelligence, emotion

5.bharjak pitta
Skin health and nourishment.

Unbalance pitta shows redness, inflammation, and heat (ushnata) in our body.
3. Kapha dosha:
1.formed from water and earth
1.kledak kapha
Providing moisture for digestion
2.its shows moisturizing property in our body
2.avalambak kapha
Lubrication of respiratory and circulatory system. Support to chest organs
3.softness,heavinessand coldness(snegdha,guru,shiet)are its characteristics
3.tarpak kapha
It’s located in nervous system at the spinal cord help in impulse generation and restores stability in different vital organs of the body.
4.stability to metabolic and nervous system
4.bodhak kapha
Understanding taste
Moistening of food
Located in tongue area

5.shleshak kapha
Lubrication of all joints of the body.


Doshas have significance in different stages of our life,
1.childhood-kapha avastha
2. adulthood-pitta avastha
3. old age-vata avasta
Predominantly the above mentioned doshas will work in these stages along with the primary body dosh

Doshas are the saar/essence of which our body’s systemic activities. They are affected by food we eat, actions we do.
Change in seasons also affect the doshas activities in our body.
Have an herbal, healthy, happy life.


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