
Showing posts from April, 2020

Turmeric / Haldi trending herb of Ayurveda.

        Haldi:                                      latin name: curcuma longa Different names in ayurveda:Nisha,krumighni(wormicidal) Cultivation: entire india,especially south india. even in some african countries. How is it produced: After boiling its stem ,the outer covering loosen up .On removal of that we get rich golden yellowish stem ,which is then dried for powder manufacturing process. Plant part: Underground stem. Uses: ·      According to ayurveda turmeric is suppose to reduce kapha dosha,its bitter sweet   in taste,and is absorbed in body easily . ·      It helps in faster wound healing.It is used externally as a wound pack in abcess,swelling for reduction in pus formation and easy healing ·      It is the best medicine for skin disorders like ACNE ,PIMPLES,PIGMENTATION.It can be used along with aloevera gel and vit e for nourishment of skin ,reducing skin pigmentation.                        ·      It can also be used in mouth ULCER   or o

Benefits of Buttermilk/ Chaas/ Takra according to Ayurveda.

    Buttermilk is made by combining water and  curd . It is prepared in every indian household. It is usually consumed after a heavy meal. In summers if we have long outdoor activities it is adviced to drink buttermilk regularly. It helps to regulate all the 3 dosha in the body.                               Ayurveda has some details description of Takra/Buttermilk. Various scholars in Ayurveda have suggested various types of takra / Buttermilk. Scholar Vaidya Charaka suggests 3 variants , full fat removal, half fat removal and no fat removal from curd. Vaidya scholar Shusrut suggests to take 1 kg curd and mix 500ml water in it and churn well to remove the makkhan/ butter residue that floats on top and use it for consumption. It is a combination of sweet, sour in taste . It helps to reduce pitta dosha. Vaidya Bhavmishra has given 5 types of variety : Ghol: When no fat is removed from curd after churning it independently without adding water it is called Ghol. I

Ayurvedic Thirst quencher for summer.

Ayurvedic thirst quenchers, quick and easy to make . Summers have started ,Lets enjoy this summer with some thirst quenchers described in Ayurvedic texts. We consume different types of Juices, cold drinks etc .But all these contain soda and extra sugar which is harmful for our body. Ayurveda text Ashtang sangraha and charak Samhita recommends some Ayurvedic   Panaks ( juices) , Mantha (churned liquids) , Diluted syrups for consumption in summer season to reduce pitta and vata dosha and help regulate temperature and digestion in human body. Lets look in to ingredients and procedure for the same.:                                1                                                                                                                     Panak (juice) ·        Take 1 litre water mix 30 gm of jaggery in it. ·        Add a pinch of dry ginger, cinnamon, cardamom in to the mixture. ·        Blend the mixture then strain the mixture and use fo

Munch on these summer superfoods as per ayurvedic regimes.

Lets Discuss ingredients and foodstuffs as per the doshas, as each individual is different . Primarily human beings have One main and one secondary dosha constitution. Summers are hot and windy ,Food and water intake should be as specific for combating summer disorders. Irrespective of Doshas in the body following herbs and foodstuffs are considered beneficial for summers according to ayurved: Amla : Latin name Emblica Officinalis , It is ayurvedic medicinal herb which is used in medicines and food preparations as well. It is sweet and sour in taste , It generates new enzymes in the digestive system of the body which results in better digestion. It is considered to be an element for new cell generation . It is a rich source of Vit C ,Vit A. It reduces pitta dosha, vata dosha and provides energy to kapha dosha for its function in human body. Ghee: Organic Ghee is used in indian cooking everyday ,It is snigdha ( lubricant), sheeta( cold), bruhan (giving st

Want a solution for summer exhaustion? Follow Ayurvedic summer regime.

Want a solution for summer exhaustion ?   follow this Ayurvedic summer regime/grishma rutucharya. A Modern solution of ancient ayurvedic seasonal regime. The word Rutucharya consist of two words RUTU means season and charya means regimes or body activity. In India we experience 6 seasons Shishir, Vasant, Grishma,Hemant,Sharad,Varsha. Out of these Shishir, Vasant , Grishma come in uttarayana kala (northern solstice)and varsha ,sharad, Hemant come in dakshinayana kalam (southern solstice). Importance of Grishma Rutucharaya :                                  Ayurveda explains daily regime and seasonal regime for better health .In Summer season vata, pitta dosha increases and kapha dosha decreases .It is important to regulate these doshas. Lets see what kind of diet and daily regime we can follow for  healthy summer season. Diet:   ·       Food which is sweet,cold and nature can be consumed. ·       Maunsa rasa(meat soup) should be consum

myths and practicality of ayurveda

Ayurveda is considered to be ancient knowledge of curing diseases. Old Rushi Munis /Vaidyas use to practice Ayurved after practically using medicines and researching them on patients and keeping a  record for  their findings in the books which are now used by students for learning different teaching of  Ayurveda. Vaidya shusrut is considered Father of modern surgery. He gave detailed description of different surgical instruments and procedure by drawing them in his text, Shusrut Samhita. Ayurveda can used as a lifestyle science for a healthy life. Lets discuss about the Myths and practicality in Ayurveda. Myths: Ayurveda is an ancient science and is not effective for chronic diseases. Its tedious to do treatment with AYURVEDA Ayurvedic form of surgery is not practical All medicines in ayurveda is bitter in taste Answers: Chronic diseases are very well treated with ayurved  . It basically takes patience and dedication for any ayurvedic treatment to be effective.

Decoding concept of doshas in Ayurveda

Decoding concept of doshas in Ayurveda. What is Ayurveda? It is a science to measure life. Ayurveda is not just about yoga and pranayama .It helps to bring balance of body, mind and soul. Ayurveda helps in developing the IQ AND EQ in all living beings. What are doshas? The bio elements that are naturally present in human beings are called doshas. Please don’t consider them to be harmful or unhealthy .In a balanced state they bring health to a supreme state. They are vata, pitta and kapha . Ayurveda helps and guides us to achieve the balanced state of these doshas. The elements of universe earth, water, light, air, Akash (space/ether) are responsible for forming these doshas. Let’s understand them individually, I have shown a table which describes the traits and types and actions of doshas on our body for clear understanding. Vata dosha: Traits Types Actions represents coldness,dryness,roughness, Speed in ou